lic. phil. Maria Giesinger

Master of Science in Psychology
Federally approved psychotherapist
Person-centered and experiential psychotherapy – body-oriented
Memberships and ethical terms of reference
Swiss social-professional organization of applied psychology (SBAP)
Delegated psychotherapy, psychological counseling
Person-centered professional attitude by Carl R. Rogers, focusing by Eugene Gendlin, body-oriented psychotherapy, mindfulness-based techniques, recovery- and resource-oriented focus.
Professional experience
since 2019
Delegated psychologist, practice for psychotherapy, Dr. phil. Nicola Ferrari, Wetzikon
since 2018
Advanced Practitioner in Aura- and Energy Healing, self-employed, Zurich
2018 – 2019
Delegated psychologist, practice Dr. med. Jeffrey Mc Cutchan, Lucerne
2017 – 2018
Delegated psychologist, Psychiater Luzern AG, practice Dr. med. Sabine Abele, Lucerne
2016 – 2017
Assistent psychologist, Psychiatry Basel-Land, daytime hospital, Liestal
Research assistent, Zurich college for applied sciences (ZHAW), department of applied psychology, Zurich, research project, supported education
2013 – 2014
Psychologist in the department of recovery, Swiss foundation Pro Mente Sana, Zürich
2012 – 2015
Massage therapist, self-employed, Praxisgemeinschaft 46, Zurich
2012 – 2013
Nursing assistent, Sanatorium Kilchberg, private clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy
Psychology intern, daytime hospital, ambulatorium east, psychiatric university hospital, Zurich
Psychology intern, Swiss foundation Pro Mente Sana, Zurich
Nursing intern, psychiatric hospital, Herisau
Education and further training
Since 2016
Further training in psychotherapy, GFK-Institute Zurich, person-centered and experiential psychotherapy - body-oriented
2016 – 2018
Training in Aura- and Energy Healing, Center and Institute for Energy Work, Andrea Janina Staeger, Zurich
2005 – 2013
Master of science in Psychology, University of Zurich
Major: Social- and health psychology
1st minor: Psychopathology and clinical intervention
2nd minor: Social- and preventive medicine
2011 – 2012
Training in Esalen Massage, The Center, Zurich